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[Jesse James] | [Blåstrumpan Fredrika Bremer]

Pouges version av Jesse James

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Woody Guthrie gör om låten till att handla om Jesus Christ

Jesse James

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Dagens visa 2002 oktober 16
Jesse James was a lad who killed many a man
He robbed the Glendale train;
He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor
He'd a hand and a heart and a brain.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

It was Robert Ford, that dirty little coward;
I wonder how he does feel
For he ate of Jesse's bread and he slept in Jesse's bed
Then laid poor Jesse in his grave.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

Jesse was a man, a friend to the poor
He never would see a man suffer pain,
And with his brother Frank he robbed the Chicago bank,
And stopped the Glendale train.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

It was his brother Frank that robbed the Gallatin bank,
And carried the money from the town;
It was in this very place that they had a little race,
For they shot Captain Sheets to the ground.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

They went to the crossing not very far from there,
And there they did the same;
With the agent on his knees, he delivered up the keys
To the outlaws, Frank and Jesse James.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

It was on Saturday night, Jesse was at home
Talking with his family brave,
Robert Ford came along like a thief in the night
And laid poor Jesse in his grave.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

The people held their breath
When they heard of Jesse's death
And wondered how he ever came to die.
It was one of the gang called little Robert Ford
He shot poor Jesse on the sly.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

This song was made by Billy Gashade,
As soon as the news did arrive;
He said there was no man with the law in his hand
Who could take Jesse James when alive.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.


Larrie Dee's MIDI Page
Featuring MIDI files from the
Lari/Tan Recording Studios
Collection of Christian and Secular Recordings.
Plus some great Christian humor!


Jesse James home

Woody Guthrie gör om låten till att handla om Jesus Christ

Jesse James

text midi länkar
Dagens visa 2002 oktober 16
Jesse James was a lad who killed many a man
He robbed the Glendale train;
He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor
He'd a hand and a heart and a brain.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

It was Robert Ford, that dirty little coward;
I wonder how he does feel
For he ate of Jesse's bread and he slept in Jesse's bed
Then laid poor Jesse in his grave.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

Jesse was a man, a friend to the poor
He never would see a man suffer pain,
And with his brother Frank he robbed the Chicago bank,
And stopped the Glendale train.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

It was his brother Frank that robbed the Gallatin bank,
And carried the money from the town;
It was in this very place that they had a little race,
For they shot Captain Sheets to the ground.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

They went to the crossing not very far from there,
And there they did the same;
With the agent on his knees, he delivered up the keys
To the outlaws, Frank and Jesse James.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

It was on Saturday night, Jesse was at home
Talking with his family brave,
Robert Ford came along like a thief in the night
And laid poor Jesse in his grave.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

The people held their breath
When they heard of Jesse's death
And wondered how he ever came to die.
It was one of the gang called little Robert Ford
He shot poor Jesse on the sly.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

This song was made by Billy Gashade,
As soon as the news did arrive;
He said there was no man with the law in his hand
Who could take Jesse James when alive.
Poor Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life,
Three children, they were brave;
But that dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard
Has laid poor Jesse in his grave.

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Dagens visa 2001 oktober 16


Fredrika Bremer

friherrinnan Staël von Holstein


Blåstrumpan Fredrika Bremer
text: M. J. Crusenstolpe
(sept. 1854)

Detta hände sig på den tiden
då en rödstrumpa var en blåstrumpa.

Blåstrumpa är i och för sig själv ett underligt ting; men slår hon sig tillika på fromleri och sirapspolitik, så uppstår av denna andliga mixtur ett monstrum, åt vilket man kan skratta sig till döds.

I England hålla de nu på därmed som bäst åt den ryktbaraste bland svenska mamseller, författarinnan Fredrika Bremer. Times anför och behandlar som "opraktisk" en nyligen från henne avlåten adress till hela världens alla andäktiga och barmhärtiga systrar att förena sig till människovänliga och fredstiftande ändamål, ett förslag, visserligen välment och filantropiskt, men vittnande om en gränslös egenkärlek, då den hedersgumman kan inbilla sig, att hela kvinnokönet skall lyssna till hennes röst och denna vara nog mäktig att tysta kanonerna både vid Svarta havet och Östersjön.

Det förtjänta bifall, varmed allmänheten emottog hennes nätta, vackra och naturliga "Teckningar ur vardagslivet" har förfört henne, att, utan friherrinnan Staël von Holsteins snille och energi, vilja spela dennas politiska roll och kunna utöva hennes inflytande.

Men kopian är i alla avseenden mattare än originalet.

Mamsell Bremer gör klokast att stanna inom romanens område, men att även där så litet som möjligt framhålla sin egen mera respektabla än ämabla personlighet.

Beskrivningarna t. ex. uti "Hemmen i nya världen" på hennes vita händer, och vilka rätter, som bekomma hennes mage väl eller illa, hava ej det ringaste intresse för någon annan än mademoisellens husläkare och kökspiga.

Dessutom har mamsell Bremer med sina filantropiska projekter gått över ån efter vatten: i London hava de gjort fiasko; i Borås skulle de sannolikt gjort furore. Ett missionssällskap är nyligen stiftat i knallbygden, vilket, för korthetens skull, antagit benämningen: "Borås missionssällskap såsom biträdessällskap till svenska missionssällskapet i Stockholm". Bland "biträdessystrarna" bör den illustra damen bliva hedersledamot, ävensom lektor Elmblad bland "biträdesbröderna".


Fredrika Bremer

friherrinnan Staël von Holstein



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